Friday, January 21, 2011

Froyo for the Vibrant being updated through Samsung Mini Kies ... Good luck! (Updated with Samsung statement)

Samsung Kies Mini

The good news -- the T-Mobile Vibrant indeed is getting its Froyo update. The bad news -- it looks like (thus far) you have to do it through Samsung's Mini Kies program. That's right, in this day and age of over-the-air updates, you have to plug your phone into a computer to update. Le sigh.

We've only been at it for an hour or so now, and Kies is still seeing our Vibrant as an "Unregistered device." Whatever that means.

You know that Froyo complacency a few of you have accused us of? It's rapidly going away. There's really no excuse for making an update this difficult. [via TMoNews]

 Anyone get this to work yet? We're all over it in this forum thread. Join us.

Update: Samsung just issued the following statement:

Samsung and T-Mobile are pleased to confirm to Samsung Vibrant customers that the Android 2.2 upgrade is now available. Please click here for an FAQ on how to download and install the upgrade.

Froyo for the Vibrant being updated through Samsung Mini Kies ... Good luck! (Updated with Samsung statement) posted originally by Android Central

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