2011 certainly looks and feels like the year of the tablet. One device that has enjoyed massive love from the Android community due to its price and openness to be hacked has been the Nook Color.
Compared to other tablets that can get up to the $600-$800 range, the Nook Color costs $249. If you're still on the fence about getting one, Barnes and Noble is offering them for $200 through their official ebay account.
If you're interested in this discount, head to ebay and enter in the coupon code: CBARNESDD and your Nook will instantly be $50 off. That's a great price for a tablet of the Nook's magnitude, especially with all of the hacks that have been cooked up for it recently. [ebay]
Get a Nook Color for just $200 from B&N's official ebay account posted originally by Android Central
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